FOREWORD: Membership of the Old Boys Club of the Calgary Police Service, the RCMP and other law enforcement agencies, does not end when they leave those services. A crooked individual in those services will be a crooked individual out of those services.

When they leave, they get jobs as private Investigators, they get hired by the City of Calgary, other law enforcement agencies, Justice departments such as ASIRT, the Prison Service, even the Law Society of Alberta has corrupt and crooked ex cop(s) investigating corrupt & crooked lawyers, the list is endless (much more to follow on this).

1. Emma McIntosh of the Star newspaper in Calgary published an article on the 8th Day of August 2018, following on an investigation into harassment being endured by women officers within the Calgary Police Service. In that article Emma named past and present police officers, including quotes from past Chief Roger Chaffin.

The byline on the article in the Star was both telling and very hard hitting;


2. McIntosh mentioned Chaffins attempts at reform, however Chaffin also has evidence that past and present Calgary police, RCMP officers, even City of Calgary officials and others, committed criminal and corrupt acts. Chief Chaffin has had that evidence since before he became the Chief of the Calgary Police Service,  and yet to date has done nothing with that evidence. Why is that ?

3. The old boys clubs still exist, and not just in the Calgary Police Service.

4. City Hall has its own Old Boys Club, including ex crooked cops on the payroll.

5. Not only do all of the corrupt entities and individuals named on my websites, know that what’s already published and what’s to be published is the truth. So do my lawyer(s), their lawyers, and more importantly the heads of the Calgary Police Service, the RCMP in Alberta and Ottawa, and other law enforcement agencies.

6. The sections of the Criminal Code of Canada that they commit offences under, when they follow their Criminal Pattern of Procedure are almost exactly the same.


7. The Criminal Code offences detailed below are serious offences. This list does not include perjury, the subornation of perjury or other violations that have been committed that fall under the Criminal Code of Canada, Police Act, or other Acts and Regulations the named individuals are required to adhere to, by law.

Section 21: Parties to an offence.
Section 22: Person counselling offence.
Section 128: Misconduct by officers.
Section 239: Attempt to commit murder
Section 131: Misleading justice.
Section 137: Fabricating evidence.
Section 139: Obstructing justice.
Section 464: Counselling offence not committed.
Section 465: Conspiracy.

Section 465 (1) (b) (c) and (d) clearly spells out that every one who conspires with any one to prosecute a person for an alleged offence, knowing that he did not commit that offence, is guilty of an indictable offence.

12. I would personally like to express my thanks to Calgary Police Chief Roger Chaffin (and others to be named later) who have assisted me greatly by being responsible for providing crucial information and evidence that would not normally have become available to me.

Much more to follow: 

Please also view the websites listed and linked below: