1. Ex Detective Spencer Frizzell of the Calgary Police Service allowed over fourteen (14) criminal charges to be laid against me (John Kelly) with him, Frizzell, named as the victim. When ex Detective Frizzell knew that those charges were bogus, fabricated, false, a sham and orchestrated.


Frizzell and his co-conspirators had me charged with two (2) counts of interfering with potential witnesses in the cold case homicide of Aaron Shoulders. The charges stated I interfered in that investigation, by interfering with potential witnesses from the 1st Day of June 2008 until the 18th Day of February 2010, a total span of 628 days.

Frizzell and his co-conspirators also had me charged with four (4) counts of Criminal libel for what they stated was me posting untrue statements on my website(s). I was charged with 4 separate counts of Criminal libel under section 300 and 301 of the Criminal Code of Canada.

Very Important Note: Nine weeks after they arrested & charged me, a Judge threw out all their 7 bogus charges. The Judge did so after Frizzell and his co-conspirators could not provide to the Judge one iota of evidence I’d interfered with any potential witnesses, or provide one iota of evidence that I’d committed criminal libel, or any evidence the statements that were on my website(s) were untrue.

Very Important Note: Frizzell and his co-conspirators have never ever refiled any charges of Criminal libel re; the content of my website(s). And they never took any action in the civil courts either. (much much more to follow on this).


Not deterred by the Judge throwing those charges out of  court. Frizzell and his co-conspirators refiled the bogus charges of interfering with potential witnesses, using the same dates ( over 628 days ) and using new criminal docket number(s), they also added more bogus criminal charges to those dockets. (much more to follow)


By the end of their filing and refiling of many different numbered criminal dockets, adding new bogus charges of obstruction in the same cold case Homicide and more. Frizzell and his co-conspirators ended up filing more than Thirty (37) Seven criminal charges against me. Once again doing so knowing that all of the charges were bogus, fabricated, false, a sham, lies, and made up.

Very Important Note: During these bogus filings, they also changed the dates of the charge(s) they laid of interfering with potential witnesses in the cold case Homicide. They went all the way from stating the interference occurred over a period of 628 days, to the dates of the interference being over a two (2) day period. A very long way from the 628 days they started out with. ( much more to follow )

Very Important Note: The obstruction charges they laid were all dismissed. (much more to follow on this) .

Very Important Note: They also used these bogus charges in concert with other information, that they also knew to be false, to support an application whereby they illegally gained a search and seizure warrant. They used that warrant to seize boxes and boxes containing hundreds upon hundreds of documents and other materials from my residence. Those documents have never been seen since. ( much more to follow )

2. Det Frizzell did not act alone, he was an integral part of ex Calgary Police Chief, Rick Hanson’s plans to manipulate the criminal justice system to get the desired results that they wanted, and that was to get me wrongfully convicted and placed in prison, and in the end they succeeded.

3. Frizzell also worked closely with Murray Bartley RCMP, and others, some who are still serving and holding senior positions within the Calgary Police Service, including the Office of the Chief, the RCMP and others.

4. Detective Spencer Frizzell was a very loyal soldier. Frizzell did whatever he was told, regardless of whether it was right or wrong, and he carried out his criminal and unlawful acts regardless of the serious harm he knew would be inflicted on myself, and others in the process.


1. Before my arrest on the first set of bogus charges, two of Frizzells co-conspirators, Calgary Police Service Chief Rick Hanson and Sgt Bartley of the RCMP, prepared media releases and sent them out to everyone, radio, television, print, etc. This was as high a profile arrest as it gets, and Hanson wanted to tell everyone about it.

2. After my arrest Chief Rick Hanson & RCMP Supt Randy McGinnis held a major press conference to inform the citizens of Calgary and the free world, of their major arrest. They were quoted in the Calgary Herald and many other media outlets. Hanson stated that the lengthy ordeal and investigation regarding my websites took a toll on many officers who were named on my website(s). (including Spencer Frizzell)

These are some of their quotes that appeared in the media….

SUPT MCGINNIS : The RCMP started their investigation after being contacted about the case by Calgary’s Chief of Police. In my 29 years I’ve never heard of an individual being charged under the Criminal Code for libel charges, defamation of character  said RCMP Supt. Randy McGinnis.

CHIEF HANSON: Police Chief Rick Hanson said the rarity of the criminal libel charges speaks to the seriousness of the allegations. Hanson further stated, there are occasions when free speech does cross over and can cross over, to where it’s criminal, and that’s where the investigation has to look. The lengthy ordeal and investigation took a toll on many officers who were named on his website.

3. Seven weeks after Calgary Police Chief Rick Hanson uttered those words, a Provincial Court Judge warned them that if they couldn’t provide any evidence to back up their charges, they wouldn’t like what would happen the next time they appeared before the court.

4. Two weeks later Judge Millar in Provincial Criminal Court in Calgary tossed out all the charges including the 4 criminal libel charges.

5. No appeal was filed by Frizzell, Hanson, Bartley or the Crown, despite their nearly nine month lengthy ordeal and investigation. They all knew that the statements that were on my website(s) were all true, and they all knew they’d filed 7 criminal charges knowing all 7 were bogus & made up.

Chief Hanson knew he had outright and knowingly lied to the media and they all knew, including Frizzell, they had lied to the courts….

6. One of my websites had been up since late 2005 and the others had been up from 2008 onward. All prior to Hanson and Bartley orchestrating the criminal libel charges against me. Yet in all that time they had never…..…..

(a) Never applied to the court for any restraining orders.
(b) Never applied to the court for any injunctions.
(c) Never sued me for defamation.
(d) Never sued me for libel.
(e) Never sued me for slander.
(f) Never filed for any relief at all, at any court, regarding my websites.

7. Chief Rick Hanson stated that the lengthy ordeal and investigation regarding my websites took a toll on many officers who were named on my website(s). Yet to this day  they’ve still never applied for any relief from the courts of (a) to (f) above. As for the contents of this website, or the contents of any of my other current websites, I can guarantee you that they will also not apply for any of (a) to (f). Because they know now, as they knew back then, that the contents of my websites were and are true..

There are no statute of limitations on criminal acts.

There is much more to follow on this:

Please also view the websites listed and linked below: