HANSON BARTLEY FUCKERY – IN A NUTSHELL: Chief Rick Hanson of the Calgary Police Service abused his position to commit and also get others to commit, multiple criminal acts within a major criminal conspiracy. Those co-conspirators willingly and knowingly assisted Hanson, they were all fellow cohorts from within his and other Law enforcement organizations.

Fact: Late 2009 Chief Hanson upset with Kelly’s PSS complaints.
Fact: Late 2009 Chief Hanson upset at Kelly’s websites.
Fact: Early 2010 Chief Hanson unleashed the RCMP and the Crown, on John Kelly.
Fact: Early 2010 Sgt Murray Bartley RCMP was assigned as primary investigator.
Fact: 20th April 2010 Bartley interviews Calgary Detectives Mercer and Frizzell.


Fact: Five months later, on the 16th September 2010, I met Sgt Murray Bartley of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) for the first time. When he attended at my residence with a large entourage of other police officers. Bartley duly arrested me on 7 charges on criminal docket 101128882P1, had me taken into custody and placed in the cells at the Airdrie RCMP Detachment.

The second time I met Sgt Bartley, was that night, he visited the cells, informed me quite proudly, that he was Sgt Murray Bartley of the RCMP and “he knew the Law“.

Well he certainly knew how to break the Law…

Fact: On the 17th Sept 2010 I was paraded before the the courts, and Jennifer Rees crown prosecutor aided by Sgt Bartley had me arraigned on seven criminal charges on criminal docket 101128882P1. Including four counts that I committed criminal libel, by posting criminally libelous statements on my websites, which were outing crooked corrupt Calgary cops and their cohorts.

Fact: 17th Sept 2010 Calgary Chief Hanson and Supt McGinnis RCMP regale the media, on how extensive the investigation into John Kelly was. How nobody had been charged with criminal libel (at least) the past 30 years.

Chief Hanson: “the rarity of the criminal libel charges speaks to the seriousness of the allegations” and “The lengthy ordeal and investigation took a toll on many officers who were named on the website”.

Supt McGinnis: “What makes Kelly’s site libellous are the false allegations made against two city homicide investigators (Detectives Mercer and Frizzell)” and “police had no choice but to take the action”.

Major Fact: On the 18th November 2010 all charges on criminal docket 101128882P1 are tossed. Due to the Calgary police, the RCMP and the crown, having no evidence to show the court, to support the charges they had laid. Also tossed, the Four counts (4) of criminal libel (my postings on my websites).

Conclusion 101128882P1: All 7 counts tossed – No evidence to support charges.

Conclusion 101128882P1: 4 counts criminal libel ala Det Mercer & Frizzell, tossed.

Conclusion 101128882P1: 2 counts obstruction ala Det Mercer & Frizzell, tossed.

Conclusion 101128882P1: 1 count threatening conduct ala Det Mercer, tossed.

Major Conclusion 101128882P1: Right from day one, they never had any evidence to support any of the seven criminal charges they laid. Right from day one they lied to the courts. Right from day one they committed frauds upon the court. Right from day one they committed multiple criminal acts, all in furtherance of their criminal conspiracy. Right from day one the many statements that Calgary police Chief Hanson and Supt McGinnis of the RCMP made to the media and all others, were all lies….

WHY NO CRIMINAL CHARGES LAID AGAINST…Calgary Chief of police Rick Hanson – RCMP Sgt Murray Ross Bartley – RCMP Superintendent McGinnis – Crown Prosecutor Jennifer Rees – Edmonton Special Crown Prosecutor Karen Hewitt – Senior Detective Reid Mercer – Senior Detective Spencer Frizzell – or any others….

Chief Hanson knew there had been no criminal offences committed by me. The truth was not what Hanson wanted. Chief Hansons goal, along with Sgt Bartley and others, was to shut me up, by stitching me up, by wrongfully convicting and imprisoning me, by any means necessary.