KAREN HEWITT Edmonton Special Crown Prosecutor. handled major cases, complex prosecutions including large scale organized crimes, homicides, and sensitive cases.

In the October of 2010 Hewitt was parachuted into Calgary to take over a case that had turned seriously sensitive. A case where the Crowns Calgary office, the Calgary Police Service (the CPS) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (the RCMP) had now gotten themselves into a whole lot of trouble, and where members of those 3 organizations were now looking at being prosecuted themselves.

That case was criminal docket 101128882P1 – Her Majesty the Queen v John Joseph Kelly. Karen Hewitt quickly realized that the seven criminal charges laid against me, by Calgary Police Chief Rick Hanson, RCMP Sgt Bartley, and Jennifer Rees Calgary crown prosecutor, were totally bogus. And that, Hanson, Bartley & Rees, knew that.

Hewitt could have stopped them dead in their tracks. But that would mean, Edmonton Special prosecutor Karen Hewitt, would have to lay multiple criminal charges, against Hanson, Bartley, Rees, Mercer, Frizzell and their cohorts. And that was something that Edmonton Special crown prosecutor Karen Hewitt, was never going to do.

Senior Calgary Detectives Reid Mercer & Spencer Frizzell, could have also stopped Hanson, Bartley and Rees, dead in their tracks, but they too, also chose to join them.

By the 18th November 2010, primary prosecutor Karen Hewitt had a total of three criminal dockets appearing before the Provincial court of Calgary. All 3 of those criminal dockets were targeting me, John Joseph Kelly. A total of 23 criminal charges.

Criminal docket 110128882P1 total seven (7) criminal counts:
Criminal docket 101399525P1 total eight (8) criminal counts:
Criminal docket 101401537P1 total eight (8) criminal counts:

Four days later on the 22nd day of November 2010, I filed a one hundred and sixty one (161) page document at the Provincial Courthouse in Calgary. A copy of that 161 page document was served on Karen Hewitt.

Karen Hewitt now had in her possession a 161 page document, plus contents of the transcripts of the 20th April 2010 interviews of senior Calgary Detectives Reid Mercer and Spencer Frizzell, and others. Those interviews conducted by Sgt Murray Bartley and Cpl Gary Mitchell of the RCMP, Lethbridge Major Crimes Division.

Those 3 documents and several others, clearly showed the criminal counts outlined in docket 101128882P1, docket 101399525P1 and docket 101401537P1 were fabricated, manufactured, made up and totally bogus. Karen Hewitt knew that but continued with her crooked corrupt and criminal acts regardless.

Hewitt started by illegally removing from the court file the 161 page document I filed on the 22nd November 2010. A good job I kept copies. But very bad that the trial judge would not allow it into evidence.

By trial they had filed 6 Criminal dockets containing over 35 criminal charges laid. There were Ten counts on criminal docket 101401537QB3 that went to trial, of those Ten counts I was convicted of Three and found not guilty on the other Seven.

WRONGFUL CONVICTION COUNT 1: Hewitt and Sgt Bartley represented to the court, that I had criminally harassed Detective Mercer from the 26th day of February 2003 to the 30th day of May 2010, a period of over 2,628 days. The 20th April 2010 transcripts of Detective Mercer shows those dates to be false. In those transcripts Detective Mercer states to Sgt Bartley and Cpl Mitchell of the RCMP, the following;

MERCER: I, I think I just have to clarify something. I haven’t had no contact with Mr. KELLY since probably February, February 26th, 2003.


MERCER: Other than the hearings I presented myself so it’s…


MERCER: …been almost six years since I’ve had any contact with him.

BARTLEY: Alright.

MERCER: That’s why it was such a shock when he came up in the homicide investigation.

MITCHELL: February 26th, 2003?



BARTLEY: I’m glad you told me about the fact that you haven’t had any correspondence with him since 2003 uh, or in, and I don’t mean correspondence, but you’ve never spoken to him since, so..

MERCER: Yes in any, in any type or form, whether it’s verbal, e-mail, telephone, nothing, zero.

(a) Those are Calgary Detective, Reid Mercers, own words:
(b) Heard by both Sgt Bartley and Cpl Mitchell of the RCMP:
(c) Mercers own words. No criminal harassment No threatening conduct:
(d) Mercers own words. No Obstruction:

(e) Yet they still filed charges at Provincial Court:
(f) Knowing the charges they were laying, were made up, fabricated:
(g) Knowing the charges were bogus:
(h) Knowing they were committing criminal acts:

(i) When the charges were thrown out of Provincial Court:
(j) They refiled them at Court of Queens Bench:
(k) Continuing their criminal conspiracy and committing more crimes:
(l) Driving a Double Decker Bus through the Justice system:
(m) Driving that same bus through the Charter of Rights & Freedoms:
(n) The transcripts and other damning evidence – not allowed at trial:

Once again those transcripts of Detective Mercer not allowed into evidence at trial, if they had I would have been found not guilty. Had the 161 page document I filed not been removed by Hewitt, and allowed into trial, I would have been found not guilty.

WRONGFUL CONVICTIONS COUNT 2 and COUNT 3: Hewitt represented to the court that I had obstructed Detective Mercer (count 2) and Detective Frizzell (count (3) by interfering with witnesses in a cold case homicide which Detectives Mercer and Frizzell were in charge of.

In the original criminal docket in the Sept of 2010, they were stating that the period of interference with potential witnesses was from the 1st Day of June to the 18th Day of February 2010. A period of 628 days.

By the time of the trial in October 2012, Karen Hewitt was now representing to the court that I had interfered with potential witnesses from the 16th day of February 2010 to the 30th March 2010. Now only a period of 42 days.

They were also representing that there were no potential witnesses (plural) only one potential witness (singular) and that the potential witness was Steffi Stehwein, mother of the victim of the cold case homicide Mercer and Frizzell had been in charge of.

The truth was, that it was Steffi Stehwien that contacted me on the 6th Day of February 2010. Steffi was not the potential witness, but her adult daughter Chicoma Seaton who didn’t trust Detective Mercer or the police, and whom I had never met.

On or about the 16th Day of February 2010, I told Steffi that Chicoma could not blame the police for any inaction if she was not prepared to meet with them and discuss the information that she had, that she thought was useful. Steffi told Chicoma what I’d said. Detective Mercer had contact with Chicoma on the 18th Feb, two days later.

Crown prosecutor Karen Hewitt knew there had been no obstruction, but she continued with her crooked corrupt and criminal acts, regardless. The truth was not what Hewitt wanted. Karen Hewitt’s goal, along with Chief Hanson’s and Sgt Bartley’s, was to stitch me up, by wrongfully convicting and imprisoning me, by any means necessary…..